Don't know where to start from. Asmita Ma'am is not just a Queen of Options , but more than that she is a Queen at heart <3. Since day1thatijoined the OM course , till the last day , she left no question / query unanswered .At times it becomes irritating for a teacher to keep on answering the same things again and again , but hats off to this lady, she always had a smile on her face and made sure our energy is always on the Upper circuit :) Coming to the course details , i have never ever come across any such kind of a strategy wherein you can be at peace at the same time when your trading in the market. She has put in a lot of efforts to design this strategy and the amount of confidence she has with it ,I'm also confident that ill definitely succeed in achieving what i want to . I would give my 100% recommendation to all those reading my message to go ahead with Asmita Maam. She is an optimist and always has an answer as a 'YES' YOU have nothing to LOSE HERE!GOD BLESS YOU MAAM. THANK YOU & LOVE YOU!!